It’s October again, and I keep asking myself what happened to this year? Where have all the days gone? The answer is simple, we chased them away.
Tomorrow is the one ear anniversary of living in our new home. This home is an amazing blessing beyond anything we could have imagined for ourselves. With all that the blessing holds we thought it would bring peace and quiet the in chaos.
We were grossly mistaken. This past year has brought many trials including more migraines, more meltdowns, more diagnoses, which in turn brought much anxiety and fatigue.
We let chaos rule.
This year we did not stop. in the midst of chronic illness building, our youngest regressing and behaviors growing out of control, it wasn’t long before we forgot how to breathe. We went from task to task, running half empty and everything seemed an emergency.
We forgot how to live.
In all of the chaos, we forgot to fill our lives with the practice of rest to find our quiet. But most importantly, and most absurdly we forgot the One who gives us rest. Without Him there is no quiet, only chaos, for He is Order, and Rest, and Quiet.
It’s time to get back to the quiet. Get back to Him. Make it so routine that it becomes habit. So for the next thirty-one days I will be writing out how I can find quiet in the chaos. If you would like to follow the entire series, click here and see all the posts on Finding Quiet in the Chaos.
I am joining thousands of others writing out for the 31 days of October. Myquillin Smith, the Nester of has been hosting 31 days for the past 5 years. This year is the sixth year. and this year she has created a website just for this challenge, So come join us.